Too Cramped

The Gathering's Soup Kitchen continues to do some sterling work in terms of serving the neediest and most vulnerable in the community, but also building bridges with folk who need that little bit more in terms of support & care, and it's a real privilege to be able to serve through the church.

We've been feeling a bit battered of late, what with my surgery, Joel preparing to leave and then going off to Blighty, and continuing to support Eli as much as possible as he continues to spread his wings and fly.

Whilst we love what we do, and wouldn't change it for the world, the responsibilities we carry on behalf of The Gathering can become tiring, so sometimes it's just good essential to escape together. 

I'm back riding!

I am one happy bunny now that I've got the green light from the surgeon to get back exercising.

These last six weeks have been really difficult, not just because the after effects of surgery left me incontinent (TMI) and thoroughly depressed, but the fact that I couldn't do anything that would elevate my heart rate just compounded the depression.

Go Well My Boy

Today is a strange day, and one I've know was coming for a long time, though I always hoped it never would come, but even now that the day has arrived, I'm torn in equal measure between heartbreak & excitement.

Today, Joel left home.

No Greater Joy

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
3 John 1:4

As a Christian, husband, father, pastor & chaplain, I don't think there is a greater joy as a parent than standing in the same room as your child in the presence of God, worshipping Him in spirit & truth together.

Thank you for all your prayer and support for my stay in hospital.

I'm home now, having been admitted for a prostate op on Tuesday. The op was very successful and the surgeon is very happy with the results.

I'll have the results of the biopsied parts that were removed, but given that my PSA was fine, the urine tests are all clear and the scans were clear, there's no real concern for anything malignant to be discovered.

Thank you LORD

Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind!  Psalm 66:5

Testimony Sunday at The Gathering is always an amazing time in God's presence hearing about how He's moving in and through us to the glory of His name and the extension of His Kingdom.


We're in the countdown for our trip to Blighty, and life just seems to get busier & busier.

In the midst of preparing for our trip, we're still juggling life and having to make some plans for the future, especially regarding my health.

We're really excited to be coming back to Blighty for a month, it means we'll miss a month of winter here, but most importantly, it means we'll get to spend time with Eli, having not seen him for over 18 months!

Having recently qualified as a Chaplain, it was a great honour and privilege to have been ordained as a Community Chaplain with SAFReC, the South African First Responder Chaplaincy.

Paula & I flew to Jo'burg on Friday for the Ordination which was conducted as part of their AGM.

I guess the reality and impact, or potential impact of this is still sinking in, but getting involved is an exciting prospect, and I'm particularly keen to see what doors may open in the coming weeks, months and years.

After six years and Covid, we're finally returning to conduct some of our Roadshows (see details in the image).

We will send out more detailed information for each Roadshow and church visit nearer the time, but in the meantime please make a date in your diary and we hope to see you very soon.