Showing posts with label blessed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blessed. Show all posts
Well, there is a question that frustrates and annoys me in equal measure, and yet it remains the most persistent question we get asked by Christians when they learn that we are pastors leading a local church.
Today is an excellent day, as we received a hard copy of The Gathering International's NPO registration.

This means that we can now open a bank account, register as a tax payer with the relevant tax people and apply for S18a tax exemption as a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO).

Today is a day of good news!

The Gathering International is now registered as a Non Profit Organisation (NPO) with the Department of Social Development (DSD), as a Community Development project.

Greatest Joy

A few years ago I had the joy of chatting about our ministry with a dear friend, who asked me the best question anyone has ever asked of my/our ministry.  He simply asked "What is your greatest joy in ministry?"

My reply was almost instantaneous, and remains the same today.

Quite simply, my greatest joy in ministry is raising others up and releasing them to minister in the Kingdom.


Last night's Soup Kitchen was as chilled as ever, especially as Remi was once again with us offering free haircuts to those that wanted one.

The evening was also brightened up by the visit of Fuad!

We've not seen Fuad for quite a while, so it was great to catch up with him again, and it was a joy to be able to bless him with a haircut as well as soup.

Whilst we were away over Christmas we got to spend a very happy hour with some good friends, chatting about life and having a laugh. I was struck by their new dog, a rescue from the local animal shelter. She's called Rosie and apparently has bitten everyone who has attempted to stroke her, including the local policeman.

Having recently moved to Strictly Fighters Inc boxing gym, I've had the joy of getting to know some of the team running it, and it's been great to hear about their involvement with Khayelitsha Boxing Academy, a local NPO doing some great work in helping youngsters off the streets and distracting them from the life the street can offer. 

Last night we took time out to enjoy each other's company and to thank our leadership team for serving so faithfully this year.

It is a joy and a privilege to lead The Gathering with this remarkable group of people, and I love how in the Kingdom of God such a diverse bunch can come together in spirit, heart & truth to build something truly amazing for the glory of God's name.

Today feels like a day of breakthrough and blessing.

We finally got our meeting with the man from the Dept of Social Development (DSD) and to cut a long story short, he now works for The Gathering in a consultancy capacity. This is a huge blessing.

Thank you LORD!

Who knew that there was such a thing as Fountain Pen Day?

However, having learnt of this day, I have to confess to being just a little bit chuffed about it because I've been a user and lover of fountain pens pretty much my whole life, and even to this day my preferred daily writing tool is my trusty Parker fountain pen which accompanies me pretty much everywhere I go.

I've not been riding as much as I would like lately, but there are a few reasons for that. Firstly, the wind has been terrible, and when the wind is pumping it is deeply unpleasant and borderline dangerous to ride in.

Secondly, I'm still quite a way off where I would like to be fitness wise since my operation. I had no idea quite how much it would knock me and quite how tough it would be getting back to where I was before the op'.


Today was one of those days where you just want to grab the person who has shed some light on a situation, and never let them go.

Many of you know of our ongoing saga in our efforts to get The Gathering registered with SARS (SA's tax collector) as tax compliant and exempt as a charity.

A Dry Year

I never intended to give up drinking alcohol, and I certainly don't judge those that do drink, and in truth I do miss the odd tipple, but having been dry for a year today, I have to say I prefer life without alcohol.

Now before you switch off, this post isn't a rant against alcohol, rather it's a celebration of the health benefits I have reaped from going dry.

Church is such a good place to be, and all the more so when the Holy spirit is on the move, to the point where the opening, the worship and the word are so intimately interwoven, despite having been prepared by three separate people with no liaison between them.

Thursdays are Soup Kitchen days at The Gathering, and so today, alongside making 100 litres of soup, I've also finally gotten around to creating a dedicated home for our yogurt pot donations, and then sorted them all out into correct stacks with matching lids, which is a tedious and time consuming task!

Lavalier Mics

Recently The Gathering purchased some basic lavalier microphones to see how they might perform in recording the opening of our Gatherings & our Sunday sermons, and we were impressed by the results.

We've been feeling a bit battered of late, what with my surgery, Joel preparing to leave and then going off to Blighty, and continuing to support Eli as much as possible as he continues to spread his wings and fly.

Whilst we love what we do, and wouldn't change it for the world, the responsibilities we carry on behalf of The Gathering can become tiring, so sometimes it's just good essential to escape together. 

I'm back riding!

I am one happy bunny now that I've got the green light from the surgeon to get back exercising.

These last six weeks have been really difficult, not just because the after effects of surgery left me incontinent (TMI) and thoroughly depressed, but the fact that I couldn't do anything that would elevate my heart rate just compounded the depression.

Go Well My Boy

Today is a strange day, and one I've know was coming for a long time, though I always hoped it never would come, but even now that the day has arrived, I'm torn in equal measure between heartbreak & excitement.

Today, Joel left home.