Today was one of those days where you just want to grab the person who has shed some light on a situation, and never let them go.

Many of you know of our ongoing saga in our efforts to get The Gathering registered with SARS (SA's tax collector) as tax compliant and exempt as a charity.

It turns out that we've been listening to many different voices, each of which contributed a little bit of knowledge, but for all the wrong reasons, but mainly because they didn't actually know what they were talking about. To be fair, they had all tried to offer expert opinion, but sadly, none of them were actually expert in the field we needed them to be. 

We were invited to attend a training session today on Safe Houses, and given this is an area we want The Gathering to move in to, it seemed like a great opportunity to network and get some quality information.

It turned out that we were at a training session with somebody from the Dept of Social Development who talked us through the whole process of becoming an NPO (Non Profit Organisation). Initially our hearts sank, but then as we spoke about also being an NPC (Non Profit Company), things became a lot clearer! It turns out we don't need to be an NPC because that is just one of three routes to becoming an NPO which we already are and have been since October 2016!

So we have a bit more talking to do, and hopefully from here we will be able to tweak our NPO registration to cover The Gathering's outreach rather than the church, and then we can register with SARS and get our S18a.

Here's hoping...

What a blessing it was to meet this guy today!


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