I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
3 John 1:4
As a Christian, husband, father, pastor & chaplain, I don't think there is a greater joy as a parent than standing in the same room as your child in the presence of God, worshipping Him in spirit & truth together.
Tonight Paula & I had that deep joy and privilege as we joined Joel at his farewell Homecell before flying to the UK next week.It was pure joy to be in the midst of about forty young adults all sold out for Jesus and joined in the single purpose of praising and worshipping our awesome King Jesus.
It was also a tremendous blessing to see how loved our son is by his fellow church family, and to hear them praying such beautiful prayers over him as he prepares to step out in faith and cross continents, was truly humbling and heart warming.
Thank you for allowing us to embarrass you this evening.
Go well my boy, spread your wings and soar like n eagle as you wait on Him.
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