Go Well My Boy

Today is a strange day, and one I've know was coming for a long time, though I always hoped it never would come, but even now that the day has arrived, I'm torn in equal measure between heartbreak & excitement.

Today, Joel left home.

That's it, after 21+ years of parenting our primary job is done & dusted, both sons have flown the nest to go and make lives for themselves.

Just I was really excited for Eli, but also gutted that he left, even knowing for several years that he simply did not want to live in his own homeland, I was gutted to see him go. So I'm gutted to see Joel go too.

As a dad I had the rare privilege of being around and being very involved. During Joel's first year of life we lived in Weald and then moved to Wimbledon. We had returned from Zim and were planning on going to SA, but in the meantime I took a Social Work post with Lambeth and worked a four day week, meaning I had a three day weekend every week, and as such was able to be a very present father.

Once we moved to SA in June '04 I was able to be around for my boy even more, and for me being a parent has to be one of the greatest joys in life.  I was that rare parent who was always gutted at the end of school holidays when my boys had to return to school, I missed them not being around, and my favourite time of day was always seeing my boys back home after school.

That joy has been ever present for just over twenty-one years, but now it's time for my boy to spread his wings and soar like an eagle as he treads his own path out there in the big wide world. I'm cheering him on, and supper excited for him, and can't wait to see how and where God leads him.

I'm missing him like crazy already!

Go well my boy!


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