It's not all sunsets and ice creams, sometimes we get to see the sunrise too.

I'm trying to get a regular pattern of early morning walks going and though I've been a bit lackadaisical with it thus far, when I do manage to take Daisy out early we have a great time.

Mental health isn't talked about enough in churches and especially not amongst pastors and church leaders. I think we're expected to be perfect when in fact we're only human.

I knew things were going downhill for me at our previous house. The traffic in particular was really getting me down as it had become a fight just to get the car off the drive to take someone to school or get to the gym. This then put me in a bad frame of mind for the rest of the day. There were a few other issues too, but most of them have been dealt with by the simple act of moving home and living just a stone's throw from the beach.

Now whenever I feel the stress building or things are getting too much I can just stroll out on to the beach, and to do so with either Daisy or Rosie is a real blessing. It's also a huge blessing being able to stroll out for a meal or a drink without walking in the midst of heavy traffic.

Personally I'm loving the change in lifestyle and I'm deeply thankful to God for blessing us with this move.


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