Today was an exciting day in the life of The Gathering as we had our second ever gift day for our building fund.

Having spent the last few weeks teaching in to the Biblical principles of giving, this morning I shared a short encouragement from 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 on the Grace of Giving as demonstrated by the Macedonian church as they faithfully gave to help their brothers in Christ in Jerusalem.

Our Gathering was flowing in words and testimonies, at times it seemed as if we would never stop, but it was so exciting to hear how God is moving in the lives of The Gathering's members.

It was especially exciting and uplifting to hear Precious testify to how God has provided for her to go home to Zimbabwe for a few weeks, and it was great to hear her faith for her journey home to SA as she doesn't have enough for that yet, but we know God will provide.

A short while ago we prayed over her and her heart's desire to visit home for the first time in a few years and we especially prayed for the finances because life is tough for Zimbos down here. So it was such an encouragement to hear how she had been given money towards her fare.

It was also great to see how full the offering baskets were by the end of our Gathering because our church family have truly embraced and engaged with the vision to buy the building.

Before our Gathering had even begun this morning we had already been notified of two separate gifts, one from the UK and one from some local pastors which together total over R221,000. This elevated our faith levels and caused the church to erupt in praise & worship.

This truly was a special Gathering in God's presence, full of the Holy Spirit.

More please LORD!

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