We all have to begin somewhere, so my beginning of the Blogging From A To Z April Challenge is "A Beginning". It's a bit of a cheat, but hey, we all have to start somewhere...

As I said in my Theme Reveal post, I'll be looking at my A To Z of Boxing. 

This isn't a definitive A to Z of boxing, rather it's an A to Z of my journey in boxing and my love of the sport, which was instilled by my Dad, himself a keen amateur boxer in his day, but more of him later in the month...

On to my journey...

I've have mostly been fairly fit and healthy all my life and have exercised in one form or another for large parts of it, but by 2012 I had pretty much given up cycling (I was a bit of a keen cyclist) and had become a committed couch potato. By late 2018 I hit a high of at least 110kgs (I stopped weighing myself) and had become very unfit. I was also in denial about some red flags around my health. My cholesterol was far too high, my GP was champing at the bit to get me on to statins, my blood pressure was way too high, my blood sugars were at pre-diabetic levels and I generally felt a bit rubbish. 

My whole wardrobe had changed to allow me to hide my beer-gut and I can remember on one occasion having a battle with myself at a restaurant table because my gut was stopping me from pulling my chair in! 

Something had to change...

After thinking for a while about what I was going to do to get fit again, I knew cycling was off the agenda (long story) and I was not going to join a regular gym, they're far too boring! So whilst on holiday with my peeps in early Jan '19 I chatted with them about my intention to start boxing on our return home. My sons fell about laughing and even Paula was a little bemused by the idea.

So on Jan 7 '19 I contacted the owner of a local boxing gym and on Monday 14 Jan I walked through the door of CEY to begin boxing. Three years on and I'm still loving it. The 20kg weight loss is still off, my fitness levels are off the scale and I cannot recommend boxing or boxercise highly enough! I don't believe there is a better or more effective or efficient way to get fit.

Seriously, give it a go.

I'll be posting more about my journey in to boxing and my two White Collar Fights later in the month.

This post is part of a series in the Blogging From A To Z Challenge, April 2022.


  1. Unique theme! I am on that downward health spiral you have mentioned. I had to stop dance cause of a sciatic nerve issue. This post has got me wondering in what fun way I could keep my fitness up..

  2. That is great that you've taken to boxing and gotten fit. I keep thinking mixed martial arts, but am really concerned about my osteoporosis. I look forward to reading more about your journey.


  3. I took a couple of boxing classes, let's see, 25 years ago. I thought my arms were going to fall of from holding them up so long!

  4. The only cheating in A to Z is adding a blog to the list and not actually put up any A to Z posts. The Alphabet Police usually find those culprits and oust them.

    My father used to like to watch boxing a lot. I'm not into many sports though I've enjoyed many boxing movies. I've been toying with an idea about a female boxer/fighter, but I've yet to actually start writing because I've gotten stalled in the story. But I wrote a song about it.

    Your description of the "old you" sounds pretty much like the current me. I've always been kind of out of shape, but overall I've always had pretty good health.

    Best wishes with the 2022 Challenge!

    Arlee Bird
    Tossing It Out Battle of the Bands

  5. Love reading about fitness. I took up weights in my 60's and have come to really enjoy them. Thanks for visiting Buttercupland.

  6. I applaud ou for taking the decision. Well done!

    The Old Shelter - Enter the New Woman

  7. Very interesting. This could be quite the educational read.

    Timothy S. Brannan
    The Other Side | A to Z of Conspiracy Theories

  8. Boxing! Interesting theme! My friend Ruth was very into boxing in the 70's (or 80's?) and was the lone female at a gym in Hollywood.

    I'm on the same not fit trajectory that you were on... trying to walk more.

    Thanks for visiting both my A-Z 2022 efforts.

  9. Amazing weight loss and dedication journey. I am still struggling to take my health seriously as I gain weight and eat a lot of junk at night.

  10. Great! How many times have we people been in denial mode concerning our health even though it should be top priority. In my case, due to fibromyalgia, I let myself skip exercise due to chronic pain and fatigue, of course making those symptoms even worse as the time went by. Congrats on the journey you started, that amount of exercise and weigh loss is outstanding.

  11. Wow, that's inspirational! I am also getting lazy, so this sounds pretty motivating! Maybe I will check the option in my local area! Good start on the A-Z!


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