I love coming through in the morning to make a pot of tea only to discover that one, or both of my boys have been playing their instruments late in to the night and maybe even had a jamming session together.
This pic is of Joel's personal pride & joy; his PRS, and what really blesses and excites me about knowing he's once again picking up his guitar to play is that his desire to play is born out of his time spent at church and with his youth group. We just know that in that environment he is being constantly encouraged and it warms one's heart.
Recently Eli has been getting up at silly-O-clock, going for a 5k run and then spending an hour or so before school playing his piano, which again really blesses us.Lately however, he's been leaving his book on the piano and it's amazing to flick through and see how he's been experimenting with notes and chords and to see that he's keeping a record of his progress.
This really blesses my soul!
As someone who doesn't have a musical bone in his body, is tone deaf and can't sing, this makes me very chuffed for my boys.
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