M is for Marshmallows

I was hoping that M might coincide with Monday, because these little marshmallow chicks seem to capture the essence of a Monday quite nicely and I would have had two Ms for the price of one, but never mind, they'll suffice on their own for today's M post.

I first saw this pic on FB where a friend had posted it, and it genuinely made me chuckle, so I hope you enjoy it too and I hope it brightens your day a little.

This post is part of a series in the Blogging From A To Z Challenge, April 2021.


  1. It's like someone asked these chicks to make funny pictures for a photograph ha ha


  2. Those are the most adorable marshmallow chicks I've ever seen!

  3. Those little marshmallows do make a person chuckle, thank you for that!

    Stopping in from A to Z: https://writingiscommunication.wordpress.com/2021/04/15/m-monologue/

  4. Those marshmallows are amazing. Like twisted peeps. Love them.

  5. Their expressions are so funny!!!


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