Over the last few weeks we've seen some steady growth in the numbers coming for The Gathering's weekly Soup Kitchen as well as seeing some old regulars that were holed up in other places reemerging. And what we know from all of this is that the need for food is greater than ever!

So last night for the first time since our 21 day lockdown began almost a year ago, we used the 70lt pot, and we served over 150 cups and gave away thirty 1lt pots for folk to take home.

It's exciting to be serving so many, but it's heartbreaking that the need is so prevalent!

In the midst of all this, the truly heartwarming thing is watching how considerate and gentle our regulars are with each other. They know to let the kids in first and then after they've all had their soup, they make sure that any newcomers get served before any seconds are served.

It's so lovely to see that the values with which we run the Soup Kitchen are respected and embraced by those that come and they are all so incredibly respectful of The Gathering's members that are serving them.

Thank you LORD!


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