This morning we took our Worship Sunday on to WhatsApp for the first time and it worked really well. During the week members sent me a link to their choice of song (which I downloaded) along with an audio message with their testimony of how God is speaking to them.
The thing that always amazes me is how the songs always flow and link together and today was exceptional. I hadn't listened to any of the audio messages ahead of time, and apart from deciding which song should close our Gathering the songs were in random order.
Such is the goodness of God that the Spirit flowed through our worship with a consistent theme and the testimonies of our Gathering family were incredible. It truly is an honour and a privilege to be leading the church.
I loved that one of our members shared the picture above rather than a testimony because that's where they find themselves at present. The joy in this is that God is bigger than we could ever know and he holds us in his hands so we don't need to be strong. Rather, we just need to trust and rest in him.
Thank you LORD!
We opened with a Keith Green classic...

...and closed by declaring what an awesome God we serve

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