I last walked on the beach just before lockdown began, so it's probably about 80 days since I last managed it.
I like to take half an hour out after dropping Joel at school to walk on the beach and have missed doing so.
This morning I loved how empty it was (see below for the reason 😁). It made walking and praying an absolute pleasure and therefore very refreshing.
Crazily it is still technically illegal to walk on the beach (there were a few lawbreakers with me), but it's okay to walk on the beachfront promenade. This is one of the lockdown regulations that was ruled unconstitutional last week so in reality there's no chance of it being enforced. Even crazier than that, the deadline for the govt to respond to the High Court ruling is set for after the State of Disaster lapsing on the 14th of this month.
The view above is looking towards Cape Town and Table Mountain which is the just visible peak to the right.
This is looking in the other direction towards the Hotties

Yup, I was on the beach

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