I picked up Austerlitz in the second hand bookshop in Kalk Bay (sadly it closed down) and I wasn't disappointed. The subject matter is something I've read lots of; a man impacted by the Holocaust seeks to find the truth. The storytelling however, that's a whole different thing. No paraphrasing, no chapters, long sentences; one running to seven pages and all narrated by the author. A bit weird but an eminently good read!
I had never heard of Sebald before but I'll definitely read some more of his stuff based on this, though it's sad to learn that he died in a car crash in 2001.
Here's an older post from 2018 about books: Ten books
Once again I've left the books in the order that Blogger uploaded them.
I had planned to be reading Beevor's masterpiece over the D Day weekend but sadly I had to wait another week to read it. This is incredibly well written (as per usual for Beevor) and is quite breathtaking in its scope of the event from its build up to completion. For me it's his best yet.

I'm a big fan of Iain Banks and this is another really good story from him

One in a series of books from the Imperial war Museum, I've previously read Forgotten Voices Of The Holocaust and found this one just as moving.

Having finally read my first Faulks novel recently, I'm finding I can't get enough of them. This was a great read with a very sad ending. The episode of the truffle hunting dog was hilarious.

This one was quite hard going to start with as the author jumps from late 1930s Germany to present day Britain with no warning, but it was well worth persisting with.

I actually found this one quite hard going.

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