I'm far from fully healed, but the pain is manageable and I'm being careful with some specific stretches to ensure that I don't aggravate things any further, as well as avoiding certain exercises and stretches that aren't particularly good for the back.
I'm longing to regain my fitness and go for a run again but sadly I just don't know when it will be safe to do that.
Anyway, I'm back exercising at a lower intensity which is good and it felt good to be boxing again and it was great to be boxing with Joel. I really enjoyed that Zoom session with CEY.
It's just as well too, because I could feel my paunch trying to re-establish itself.

Now we just need to move to a lower level of lockdown so that the gym can reopen and we can train properly again with our CEY family.We're also hoping to buy a bigger 45kg punchbag soon so we can use the little one for uppercut training.
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