It's true!
For me at least, for I am at my happiest and most joyous when I'm serving at our Soup Kitchen or involved in blessing folk in some other way through The Gathering.
I love what James said in his letter: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world"

Throughout the Old Testament God speaks about three groups of people he's passionate about; widows, orphans & aliens (immigrants) and warns against treating them badly. Basically, god is passionate and protective of the poorest ad most vulnerable in society. James then picks up on this in is letter in the New testament and it captures the heart of The Gathering perfectly.
So there it is, my happy place is being part of the church in the community doing all we can to demonstrate the love of God and tell people about what Jesus has done for them.

Yesterday I had the joy of sharing a blessing of food with the local Neighbourhood Watch, followed by sharing a food donation we received with two of The Gathering's members who are cooking meals for some of the neediest people around them.
My morning was topped off with the joy of spending time with some community members chatting about life, putting the world to rights and enjoying being church in the midst of dark times.
That's my greatest joy. Thank you
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