At the same time, he called for a National Day Of Prayer for today, Sunday 31 May.
The Gathering has made the tough but right decision to remain in exile for a while longer, but as we Gather this morning on WhatsApp we are proud to be standing with the President & the nation and answer his call to prayer for South Africa.
Today our Gathering will be entirely given over to prayer for this nation and the situation we find ourselves in.
The Gathering won't just be praying about the coronavirus, and the epidemic it is in the country, rather we will stand in prayer & faith for the bigger picture as we pray into four key areas of national life:
Praying for our leaders
Praying against the sin in the nation
Praying for God’s provision in the nation
Praying for His sovereignty over the nation
As a church we are proud to play our part, but we will also be praying against the corruption within this government.
But above all we will be praying :
"Your kingdom come, your will be done".
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