Until this afternoon I had only been out once during our lockdown and wasn't expecting to go out this afternoon, but I'm so glad that I did!
It all began earlier today as I was praying and lamenting the closure of The Gathering's Soup Kitchen. I suddenly had the thought to approach a friend of Paula's whose husband is an MP and ask for his help in registering to be one of the NPOs that would distribute the Government's pledged R50m of food parcels to the neediest during the lockdown.

I wrote a letter which Paula forwarded and within half an hour I was chatting to a local member of parliament's husband about how we could become a drop off point for their party's food donations as well as applying to be one of the NPOs for distributing the Govt's food parcels.
The long and the short of it is that I ended up accompanying the member of parliament, her husband and a couple of other NPO guys to a feeding point in a local community.

It was great to network with some useful people and to see another community stepping up to feed some of their most vulnerable community members. It's at times like these that you get to see the very best of those who are willing to serve.
I'll let you know how this all pans out, but for our praying friends, please stand with us in prayer for this all to happen.
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