We knew the need was there and growing as a result of our harsh lockdown and as a result it was another busy evening serving the community we love so much.
It was also a great way to get together with a few of our faithful Gathering family, though we were responsible and kept a social distance 😉
It was also good to partner with the local Neighbourhood Watch as they did a bit of low key marshaling for us.
Tonight we served a delicious 70 litres of homemade Cream of Chicken Soup and it was greatly appreciated. So all in all it was a raging success and all of our regulars expressed their thanks for reopening, and that alone makes it all worthwhile.
We separated the kids from the adults and served the kids cups of soup and got them to sit outside the launderette. Then we began serving each adult a pot of soup and asked them to go straight home with it, which most did. The vibe was very chilled and the Neighbourhood Watch team were great with encouraging folk to socially distance.
We can't thank enough so many friends and supporters for making this happen, from collecting yogurt pots and ice cream tubs to supplying beautiful home made face masks and providing financially to make it happen. If you're one of those we want to say a big THANK YOU!
Some of the pots we were given to serve folk with

The kids lining up in a socially distanced manner

Service begins

The adults were very patient waiting for the kids to be served first

Some of the local mutts enjoyed the soup too

Kirsten & Abigail serving

The A Team

Neighbourhood Watch debriefing after we'd finished

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