Then he tossed in the grenade and blew all the goodwill out of the water by announcing that all alcohol sales would be banned during the lockdown, and helpfully made the announcement after the bottle stores had closed for the evening. The panic buying of booze the next day (the day before lockdown began) was farcical! Thankfully early last year we massively reduced our alcohol consumption and so with the few bottles of wine we were able to buy we'll be fine for a few weeks. The frustrating part is not being allowed to go out for a run or any other form of exercise, but more on that tomorrow.
The screenshot of the govt website shows that we've woken up to a surge in Covid-19 cases with 2 deaths, both right here in the Western Cape. Despite any feelings we may have about being in lockdown, this is exactly why it is essential. We need to protect the most vulnerable and with an HIV population of at least 7.5million there are a lot of vulnerable people in the country.
Despite all this and the sense of loss, the sun is still shining, the clocks are still ticking and we're all still breathing. Thank you Lord for our blessings!
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