The kids were really buzzing about the restart with many of them hanging around The Gathering for a day or two prior to the restart and it was great to welcome so many familiar faces back and to meet a whole load of new ones..
The late start was due to it taking a while to find the right person to be our Facilitator, but once Marie was appointed the final admin went in to full swing to get everything ready, and it was so good to be back doing what we love.
It's especially great to see the kids behaving respectfully towards Marie, she's got their number and they're all much more respectful than they were previously which is a blessing.
This year we've grown the Homework Club from 32 to 48 kids, (though we're actually at 46 kids because our last group on a Tue & Thur is strictly for Grade 7s, which keeps it a bit smaller) and we now have quite a waiting list of kids eager to get in on the action.
Marie overseeing the last few stragglers in our second Wednesday group
Our first group on a Tuesday & Thursday
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