It was a great time of worship and celebration as each of those being baptised declared their faith in Jesus and the rest of the church rejoiced with them.
During the week Dean had lead a Baptism class and looked at the reasons for being baptised and why we do it as a church. Basically, we're following Jesus example in Matthew 3:15-17 and his instruction in Matthew 28:19-20 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit".
What a joy to baptise Erroll...
and then to let him and Paula baptise Leilani.
Alvina is one of our newer church members and a joy to have around
It was such a privilege to baptise Mongezi
Delena has waited nearly 30 yars to be baptised...
her joy was complete last night.
Precious' baptism was a great joy
Jubilant was terrified of getting in the water...
but she did brilliantly and we're thrilled to see her baptised.
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