The most valuable thing to come out of our year in Tanzania was the lessons we learnt. We finally realised what neo-colonialism is and how to stridently avoid it. We learnt how to treat people well so that they respond positively. We learnt a lot of other stuff too, and not least had our misunderstanding of Christian calling shaken to its roots. It really was a great experience!
To this day, twenty years on our Tanzanian adventure continues to shape our mission and how we trust in God and build with the folk we serve with.
After a stint at home in Blighty which involved a year at bible college we then set off in 2000 to Zimbabwe. Following our Tanzanian debacle we had asked our new organisation to be thorough in dotting the i's and crossing the t's as they put our placement together. Sadly just a year in we found ourselves in a not dissimilar position as understandings and expectations on both sides were out of kilter, making our roles untenable. We then joined our local church in Zim and were part of the leadership team that planted a church into Westgate, a peri-urban community in the north of Harare. We loved this work and remained until we were deported in 2003, thankfully just before Joel was born.
After another year back in Blighty we were invited to South Africa by the leadership of a local church. To cut a long story short, we've been in South Africa ever since and today we pastor The Gathering in Firgrove, a small community on the outskirts of Cape Town.
Everything we've done over the last twenty years feels like it has taught us, lead us and contributed towards us being here and doing what we're doing now and we are loving it!
In Tanzania we met the most amazing man called Bob Jeffers, he was a highly educated American who had taught and done several other big jobs, but here he was in 1998 serving as a gofer. He would ferry people to and from the airport, deliver supplies to missionaries and generally do anything that needed doing. What struck us about Bob was how cheerful he was and how he loved life. He told us once that in his many years of mission, he had never met anyone who left the mission field doing what they had originally come to do. Everyone he had met in mission was called to do A but ended up doing B, C or Z, but never A. That's been very true for us, but had we known back then where we'd be in twenty years time there's no way we would have hung around! But having said that, we're very glad that we did.
Here's to the next twenty.
Blessings upon blessings upon blessings in abundance! May you always have hearts open to the will of God and feet ready to follow. So far that is all I have come to know of you.
ReplyDeleteWhat a joy it is to walk and pray with you even from afar!
PS - love that my coreligionists in some way showed you kindness, mercy, and grace along the way. <3
I thank God Almighty for you as a couple. You came to Zimbabwe not knowing that one of your great purpose was to encourage and help empower one of the trodden workers at Just Children Foundation. Today I raise my head high simply because of the way you accepted me and help change the negative perception from the system on me. I benefited a lot from our working together and honestly do think I would have been strides ahead had you stayed for another year. Your approach towards work, your innovative thinking, your appreciation of people and their differences made a lot of impact to some of us. So, when you look back to the time you were in Zimbabwe, see what you didn't plan but what God had for you. I love you my friends from then until now. Be blessed.
ReplyDeleteThanks Shepherd, wow what wonderful words! One of the greatest joys of our lives was getting to know you at JCF and welcoming you into our home. You taught us so much and we thank you so much. You're right, little do any of us know what God has in store and we can't wait to see how things unfold for you and Faith in the future. Love you loads too x