It's been quite a journey from not having a clue what the Homework Club would look like to now being a growing and confident outfit, and we're always happy to share the journey with others.
Today we welcomed Jo Swart and her team (Sean & Beben) from Life Church in Somerset West. They're looking to do something very similar to our Homework Club in an impoverished community they're involved in, and we're more than happy to share our experiences and knowledge to help them get going.
Last week we had a visit from Jo the co-founder of Green Shoots and some guys from Aalborg University in Denmark. One was an associate professor, the other two were his MA students and they were looking at ways they can work with Green Shoots to roll out their programs into unconnected areas of South Africa, which sounds very exciting. Most of their time was spent in schools so it was good to let them see Green Shoots' Maths@Home program working in an informal setting.
Ivan & Christian with Precious

Talking with Prof Jens, Ivan & Christian

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