22 kids were eager to get in with a few siblings and friends trying to slip in too, but we managed to contain the numbers.
We played the old classic Fly-Swat Hockey followed by Pie Face, which was interesting and hysterical in equal measure as 22 kids were desperate for their turn. Using the spinner was pointless because they all wanted to be splatted with cream which made for quality entertainment!
Mid way through the fun and games we had a pizza delivery with each child getting their own pizza and cool drink which went down a storm.
One of the highlights for the kids was the slideshow we put together of all the photos they had taken on the tablets through the year. The kids thought I had deleted all the photos so there was much laughter (and a little embarrassment) as the kids realised what we'd done.
The homework Club has just two weeks left to run for this year and on Friday 1st we'll be having a Graduation Ceremony for the kids and their families which should be a great evening.
The rules of Fly-Swat Hockey being explained

Linda lining the kids up for pizza
The kids couldn't wait to get in pt1

The kids couldn't wait to get in pt2

It was only fair that Pastor Dean was made to participate in Pie Face

Brandon-Lee gets splatted
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