Paula wrote this on Facebook and I'm not sure I can add much to it...
"What a spectacular morning at The Gathering's new home as we praise marched from the garage and entered our new building to celebrate Jesus as a family and with a few friends! The presence of God was so beautiful amongst us and God poured out His Holy Spirit as we worshiped. [We] loved Aunty Lenora's word for the church which was so confirming of all that God has been saying and doing amongst us already and so very encouraging as we look forward strategically!

God gave her Psalm 72:1-5 for the Gathering, written by Solomon but said by David, looking forward to the endless reign of Christ! She felt that God was saying that the outcasts are His priority...the wounded and the marginalised, those thrown aside with no value in the world's eyes.The Lord is bringing in these days ahead higher levels of grace and mercy and love of people. This name "The Gathering", people will call it the "Gathering of Love". People will see this as a Haven of Love, they will flock here,I don't know how you will fit them all in...but God knows. Expect to see many promises come to pass in the season ahead, sudden advancements and lots of movement as God realigns you to operate at higher levels. Woohoo, the church is moving on!!"
Arrived at our new home
Let the worship begin
Lenora sharing Psalm 72
Dean gearing up to preach
Post worship refreshments
It was great to socialise together in our new home
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