It's a real joy to see our new Homework Club spaces filling up.
This is our early group from 3 to 4pm on a Thursday, they're such a calm group which is a welcome contrast to the crazy bunch on a Wednesday afternoon!
It's also working really well having our Soup Kitchen running just half an hour after the second session has finished and it's great to see so many of our Homework Club kids coming for soup.

Now that winter has set in we've increased our soup from one pot to two, mainly because last week we fed 63 people in 12 minutes and there were no seconds for anyone. It was quite painful having to turn people away because we like to be generous with our soup and sandwiches.
So winter is here and the night-time temperatures are plummeting down from mid to high 20's down to single figures so it feels very chilly in the evenings, but sadly there's still no sign of the long overdue rains!

In other news... Last week an old man in the community came over to introduce himself. He wanted to chat about our Soup Kitchen and told me he had some good shirts that he wanted to donate to some of our guys, so it was a joy to see him follow through on his promise and bring the shirts today.
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