However, as one persists and remains faithful in prayer, things begin to turn and whilst I don't think church planters ever have that feeling of "we've done it" things do seem a lot more positive through faith and prayer.
At The Gathering we've had a real sense of expectation of growth lately but not seen any fruit of it until the last few weeks, and it's been magnificent to watch.
One of the recent highlights was leading Stephanie to Christ. She's a young mum who has been coming to our soup kitchen for the last two years and on Wednesday she joined our home group. I felt we should pray for her and so the ladies gathered around her. Phil then asked if she knew Jesus and Paula led her in the sinner's prayer of repentance. It was a real church effort and we're thrilled for Stephanie.
we've already bought her a bible and Paula will start discipling her and another young mum on Thursdays.
Thank you Lord!
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