In many respects we always believed we would hit this milestone and carry on way past it, but in other respects we're more than amazed that we've gone the distance so far.
To say that we'd have gotten this far without our faith would be foolish, all honour must go to our Lord for sustaining us!
So we've renewed our vows in St. George's, the church we were married in all those years ago. We've been to Paris for a week to celebrate on our own in style and now we're enjoying some special time at home with our boys, who think we're ancient because none of their friends' parents have been married for anywhere near as long. Oh the joys of being older parents!
We often marvel at how different life is 25 years on, had we known what the journey would involve and where we'd end up we would probably have run away, from God and from each other, but that's one of the great joys and blessings of faith, God's plans are so much more interesting and exciting than anything we could possibly have come up with!
Here's to the next 25 years
Taken for the local rag but still our favourite photo

Paula with her mum who died 6 years later

Paula with her dad

Dean with Roger, his Best Man

Here comes the bride.. Tocata in C by Zipoli to be precise

Too late! (We left to the tune of Athalia - War March Of The Priests by Mendelssohn)

Dean with his brothers, sadly Stuart (on left) died 4 years later

Roger with Dean's brothers

With Grandad Tom

Paula's family

The luckiest guy on the planet!

Cutting the cake

Our stunning cake made by our lovely neighbour Margaret

Those flowers were amazing!

Nice job on the car guys!

Our order of service

Order of service

Article in the local rag

Our wedding invites (see also the top image)

We haven't aged a day!

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