Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story
(Psalm 107:2)
Wow, nothing warms a Pastor's heart more than seeing their flock growing in Christ, hungry for more of the Holy Spirit and stepping out in faith, sharing their often deeply moving stories of how God is at work and has been at work in their lives.
This morning at The Gathering we gave our gathering over to testimony. We like to do this a few times throughout the year because it's good to hear what the Lord is doing in each other's lives.
It was such a beautiful and powerful time as we gave witness to God's awesome power in lives, going back years for some and just days for others. We are left in no uncertainty that God's grace is unending & for everyone, and that there is absolutely no need to stay and wallow in your circumstances, no matter how bad they are, God has a perfect plan and a purpose for our lives and He will fulfil it!
The flow of the Holy Spirit was truly amazing and we cannot wait for more and to see more of what God is going to do amongst us personally and as a church.
All glory to God!
Praying with Linda & Terance after a powerful testimony

Gloria testifying

Philimon in full flow

Precious sharing

Yvonne in action

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