This morning I went to River of Life Westgate, the church we were instrumental in planting back in 2002 with a team from River of Life Mount Pleasant.
Those were exciting times as we gathered at Westgate as a small team with a giant vision to see a church planted and a variety of social outreach projects established.
I arrived late for the English service so I got the sermon in English and stayed for the worship in Shona. I'd forgotten just how great Shona worship can be and Westgate was pumping this morning!
Today Westgate has a thriving church and is the base for Foundations For Farming, an amazing farming project setup and run by Brian Oldrieve, a great man of God.
It's an immense privilege to return to a ministry one was involved with and to see how it's flourished in one's absence. I feel very privileged to have been a part of the team that planted Westgate and all glory belongs to God for what he's doing in the Westgate community.
It was also great to hear that so many of our old friends from Westgate have been heavily involved in planting a number of churches out of Westgate. It was a little sad not to see the likes of Chav, Bonface and Tichaona but so exciting to hear about their church planting exploits.
The Westgate church building. This was being built as we left.
The building inside is quite something.
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