I never had the privilege of meeting Nelson Mandela, but I did have the awesome privilege of knowing Uncle Paul and I now treasure the few occasions I got to sit with him and listen to his stories about his life and growing up in this amazing but divided country.
Today I look back on those special times with this amazing man of God and I'm humbled to have known him and I count it a pure privilege to have had him speak into my life. I will always be grateful for his wisdom!
Some of my favourite photos of Uncle Paul
This is Uncle Paul & Aunty Molly at a wedding in Simon's Town
Please pray for me as I lead my first ever funeral this Saturday as well as doing the committal at the graveside. I long to do nothing more than honour Uncle Paul and bring glory to God.
You can read a bit more about Uncle Paul on the Tree of Life Church page.
Prayers of peace and rest in God for him, and for consolation for all of you who loved him. I also pray for you Dean, as you prepare to minister in this way. Jesus will surely guide you with right words and more.
ReplyDeleteRest in peace, rise in glory, Paul!
Thanks Fran!