We recently asked you to pray for our Women's Day outreach on 9 August and are so thrilled to feedback now to you on how God awesomely answered your prayers!
Ephesians 3:20 tells us that God is "able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us"; we know this in our minds but do we really actually "know" this as our experience?
Today God lavished Tree of Life Church with Ephesians 3:20 grace as we sought once again to reach out to women in Macassar on our special
Women's Day. So much prayer had gone into this day, so much planning, much anxiety(!) and hard work. We know that many women in Macassar are not used to being spoilt, in fact many, even those amongst our church family, suffer tremendous hardship, abuse and neglect and we know that our Father God wants to do just the opposite.

Yesterday a couple of us took to the streets and handed out invitations to women whom we met. Many were blown away by the invitation to come and be treated and for a chance to win a fantastic prize free of charge. Our faith is really so small, so when women started to steadily come through the classroom door this morning the atmosphere of amazement quickly turned into one of wonder and joy. The classroom had been transformed by our servant-hearted ladies, and several of our menfolk too(!), into a place of beauty with a fantastic worship CD in the background helping to usher in the presence of God. Our giveaway table was absolutely laden with fantastic gifts given from all over the Christian community in Somerset West – what an answer to prayer when just 2 weeks ago we had nothing!

As we served coffee, tea and cake the atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation and we were thrilled to realise that we had 75 women in the room, over 60 of whom were our guests and many of them had come from our street outreach just the day before! A quick count of the gifts and we realised that we had 79 – our God is tremendous! The actual give away was a wonderful, joyful time made particularly special as our eldest member won a Spur voucher to share with her husband, our hero of the faith Oom Paul!

During the week I had felt God give me a specific word for the women and I was thrilled to speak that out. During a spontaneous praise and worship and prayer time after this words of knowledge were given and responded to, two women gave their hearts to Jesus for the first time, one was healed (that we know about!) and every single woman went home knowing exactly that they are daughters of the most High God, royal princesses special to Him.
It was truly fantastic to serve alongside my sisters today and to experience God doing immeasurably more. I don't think we even realise quite what He has accomplished and we are so expectant for the coming weeks as we look out for and pray in the women of Macassar to Tree of Life Church.
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