T is for Tree Of Life
It is a complete privilege to be leading Tree Of Life and especially to be leading it with such a great bunch of guys!
After a torrid year in 2011 in which I thought I would never get to serve the local church again here in the Western Cape I find myself once again blown away by the goodness of God as he had a whole different plan to those of others.
What I'm particularly enjoying is the fact that we have to rely totally on God for everything in our meetings. This is church unplugged. We have no music group, no PA equipment in fact we have very little. The blessing in all of this is that we cannot put on a performance even if we wanted to which is great because it means we have to invite the Holy Spirit and give him space in the meetings. Personally I don't ever want this to stop!
As I said in L is for local church, I'm passionate about local church and believe it is the hope of the nations. The nations are not some subjective concept out there somewhere, rather the nations begin at home and spread out from there. This has never been truer than now when the world has come to our doorstep. It must be a rare thing these days to find a community that has no international influence residing within it.
This excites me because when we first had the word about the tree of life in Revelation spoken over us as a group of folk praying together it was particularly about the leaves being for the healing of the nations and how we are the leaves of the tree in Macassar and beyond. Awesome stuff from our Lord!
This post is part of a series in the Blogging From A To Z Challenge, April 2012.
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