So here it is, my Nimbus 36" unicycle. The plan is to get fit enough to ride it in the Cape Argus next year 2013 to raise money for Miles 4 Smiles, a charity supported by my boys' school.
I've got a mountain to climb in terms of getting uni' fit, I need to fully master getting on it, especially in front of a crowd and I need to develop my core and thigh muscles to take the strain.
So far the furthest I've ridden on my 36er is a few laps around the school car park which is a million miles from riding the thing up Chapman's Peak or Suikerbossie.
Regardless of how tough it is I'm going to have a lot of fun along the way!
Time will tell whether I'm able to complete this challenge but I'm very determined and I need you to help keep me accountable in this. Nagging is fully acceptable!
I plan to set up a separate blog to cover this escapade and in time will set up a donations page too so you can get properly involved.
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