The mixed emotions are born out of the many friendships we've all built with folk in Mitchell's Plain and the excitement of moving into something new with God. We'll miss our friends at Love & Grace but we know we'll see each other again soon and we'll remain in contact with each other.
Our time as part of Love & Grace has been incredible as God took us all on a journey of healing, restoration and growth. At the point at which we joined Love & Grace we were very down and were all hurting quite badly and as such we had no idea where our time with Love & Grace would lead us, we certainly weren't looking to plant a church at that point!
Thankfully we serve an amazing God who gave the leadership of the church the vision of planting back into Macassar. The journey this took all of us on has been far from smooth but we are utterly convinced of God's hand on this. We've seen some great stuff happening in folks lives and we are convinced that God has a plan for Tree of Life Church in Macassar.
So there we have it, Tree of Life Church will begin meeting on Sunday mornings from next Sunday, the 15th, as well as the usual mid week stuff going on as it has been for many many months.
Please pray for the church as we plant, we know attacks will come but we want to stand firm on the Word knowing the gates of hell will never prevail!
Our really big prayer request is for new folk to join us and for someone who can lead us in worship.
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