We've been looking at a number of different options ranging from calling it a day and returning to Blighty to calling it a day and living in SA to trying to be obedient to the calling on our lives and pursue the purposes of God in our lives.
Guess which route triumphed?
So we were left with a dilemma, we really do not want to be lone rangers out in the mission field. We've met a few over the years and things never seem to go too well for them. Equally we didn't want to be forced to return to Blighty and begin the process of applying to various mission organisations with a view to becoming partners. Part of our reluctance in this was that there would more than likely be some onerous conditions placed on us which at our stage in life we can do without.
Thankfully we serve an amazing God who really does move in mysterious and amazing ways. Though experience tells us that he speaks and moves most when we finally 'be still, and know that he is God'. As we've spent time praying and waiting we've had a huge number of very specific prayers answered and this situation was amongst the most amazing answers.
We got in touch with a former lecturer from our days at All Nations as he'd just had a book published about setting up a charity. From here the rollercoaster took a few very exciting and scary twists and turns but we now find ourselves in a situation we hoped for but weren't really sure would happen. Yes we lack in faith just like everyone else!

We have also just learnt that Stewardship have agreed to take us on and will be managing our finances for us. Again this is an incredibly well respected organisation and lends us a lot of credibility. This is a massive answer to prayer as it allows you to continue to support us in the most tax efficient manner.

We are so grateful to God for this amazing situation and for it all being in place well before the end of the year. we really didn't want to find ourselves out in the mission field with no backing, support or accountability and now we have all of those things in place.
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