We're making the most of the glorious weather by spending lots of time out in the garden having fun with the boys.
Saturday was spent soaking up the lovely sunshine in the garden, teasing Rosie and playing on the junglegym followed by a cracking braai (BBQ) at Chris' house in Macassar. We also invited Chris and Bubbles over which was a lot of fun.
The braai was also a good time for talking about the future of the planned church plant into Macassar but more of that soon.
This was all topped off with a brilliant time together in church Mitchell's Plain, we just love it when God rocks up!
Our house in the glorious sunshine, a great chance to get all the doors and windows open
Eli swinging like a madman!
Chris and Graham
Bubbles, Audrey, Oom Paul, Tommy and Patsy
Joel with a chunk of meat
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