For the whole week they were given a 'reading buddy' from a higher year and every time the bell sounded they had to Drop Everything And Read (DEAR), grab their buddy and go for it - how cool is that! Each day there was a quotation competition for the kids to have a go at guessing and winning a prize (Joel was thrilled to win on Thursday when he guessed the quote from Charlotte's Web!) and they also ran an all-week photo competition with various staff and pupils hiding behind their favourite titles!
On Monday and Tuesday the school also invited the Travelling Bookshop to come on site and sell 100's of wonderful books (many imported) at very reasonable prices.
Friday was the culmination of this wonderful week as the children were invited to attend school dressed as their favourite book character. This caused some difficulty in our house as there are just so many choices. The decision largely came down to the limitations of mum's creativity!! Joel enjoyed dressing up as Charlie Bucket and Eli just had to grab a pair of Dad's underpants alongside his own and go as an Alien who Loves Underpants - you simply have to get the book if you haven't read it!!
So once again ISH well done.... you excelled yourself!
The girls recently had their book day when all the school dressed in a book character - it was great to see the children and staff in the playground at the start of the day - and to see the excitement that books still bring...