Joel particularly loved the replica sick bay where a real operation was being performed (by models!). Eli was very taken by the shell room and enjoyed becoming the Admiral and 'steering' the ship for a while. It was a really good fun family thing to do and we had a blast.
Later on, we decided to be a bit touristy as it has been amazing to us how little the boys know about English culture and history (don't know why really - how would they know?!). We went to see St Paul's, having crossed the Millennium Bridge and then took the bus down to Whitehall and walked down towards Big Ben and Parliament, first passing the Mounted Guards and Downing Street. We both reminisced about childhood photos we have standing outside No.10. Nowadays, it's completely gated off and guarded by armed police - how times have changed. We felt about 85!!!
Joel was really taken with the Belfast's guns
Admiral Eli
On Whitehall. The boys were really taken with the soldier's sword
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