Disney is best seen through the eyes of a highly excited 8 year old!
We had a great time with family and it was good for Joel & Eli to spend time with their cousins as this is a rare treat. I also enjoyed spending time with Bethy, our middle niece, as we made the most of the late night rides to go on the bigger rollercoasters that the others either couldn't ride or wouldn't ride.
Space mountain was better than Indiana Jones but they were both trumped by Tower of Terror! Eli loved this one whilst Joel hated it. I laughed myself silly on it, though I'm not sure whether it was the ride or the look of complete terror on Joel's face that cracked me up the most.
Credit where credit is due though.
What Disney does well Disney does very very well!
The presentation of the rides was top notch and the attention to detail on some of the gentler ones like Peter Pan was truly remarkable and had my boys totally enthralled. What more can a parent ask for?
The low point has to have been Eli having a nasty bout of flu which deprived him of a lot of fun. However, he did manage a few rides and was particularly taken by the Buzz Lightyear ride which was also his choice for his final ride.
One of the best bits was also staying in the Disneyland hotel so we had 2 hours of access before the park was opened to the public and we each had a hotel fast pass for each day which allowed us to access one of the bigger rides with virtually no queueing which was a great bonus.
Stephen, Joel, Bethy, Lisa & Indy by Sleeping Beauty's castle

Eli and Buzz

The Lion King in the parade

Jack leans on Joel for support
Joking about before tower Of Terror, Joel wasn't so amused afterwards!

This just about sums it up for Eli. Poor thing was suffering quite badly and wasn't helped by being dragged around. Bad parents!
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