Today was very special as the HOPE home based care team, prospective carers and spouses of some of our patients received customised home based care and HIV/AIDS training from Nicky Welsh. This is something that Paula has been wanting for over a year now and it has taken this long to 'pin down' Nicky and make the most of her excellent training skills!! We had loads of fun as well as refreshing (for some) our knowledge and skills base and having the ability to further customise the training for our final session next Friday.

The ladies were thoroughly spoiled with lovely eats at coffee time too and were very pleased to be trained in a lovely warm room as it was only 7 degrees at the start of the day.
As we aim to do our bit in facing the HIV pandemic, with SA having the highest new infection rate in the world, it was just so encouraging to be sat in a room full of 'do'ers'- for me, truly Godly women who just want to do their bit by caring for those around them. It would be easy to get thoroughly disheartened by the stats and to throw in the towel, but that just isn't even in the thinking of these marvellous ladies. Please pray for them as they lead the way in their communities and as we now seek to model and replicate the HOPE team into Macassar and beyond (as a famous kids Disney film would say!).
Enjoying some refreshments
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