Gerrit's ordination (if that's the right word) was great and it's a privilege to have guys like him leading the church. Charl, one of the elders from HCC came and gave a short teaching on eldership and then the various leaders of Grace laid hands on Gerrit and prayed for him and Sharon his excellent wife. All in all a great time and topped off with a great lunch at Daniel and Zelda's.
However, the real joy of the morning for us was Maggie's testimony. Maggie has been part of us for a few weeks now and we've seen an amazing transformation in her life as God's grace has got to work. After she first came to church Paula visited her and Maggie really opened up and shared very deeply with her. She has since testified publicly about how amazing it is for her to be part of a family who love and accept her for who she is. She was also incredibly open with Paula about her HIV status and Paula was able to pray with her for healing a couple of times as well as give her practical help. Just over a week ago Paula took Maggie and a few others through to a healing service at The Bay in Muizenberg. Patsy who had a stroke a few weeks ago went and she was miraculously healed so we were excited for Maggie. Anyway, long story short, Maggie had tested positive for HIV in February and was in quite a bad way by the time she came to Grace having lost lots of weight and looking terrible. As a single parent of 3 boys under 12 (2 others having grown up and left) she has had to cope alone with the aftermath of her diagnosis and the whole rollercoaster of emotions that that brings. After the healing service Paula encouraged Maggie to get retested and she did so on Thursday. Amazingly the doctors were unable to find any HIV in her so have asked her to get another test on Monday (tomorrow). PRAISE GOD! Maggie is HIV-NEGATIVE!!!!!! For Paula, she has been believing God for such a testimony for almost 4 years now, how exciting is that!
If you need any more proof than that of the reality of our living God then you really need to get a life!
We are absolutely stunned by this amazing miracle by our amazing God!
Gerrit, Melvyn and Daniel, our elders
Oh my Lord! God is so very good! What an amazing post!!