At 11 am we went with one other mum and her daughter to have some fun! The kids really enjoyed it and Eli and Raadiah were so good at dishing out all the food and then playing Father Christmas as the presents were given out. It is always really humbling to experience the Tiny Bubble party. For most of the children this will be their only real wrapped present and they are overwhelmed by the fact that someone has bought and wrapped something beautiful just for them. Most tend to sit and eat whilst clutching their unwrapped present, to make the moment last. Can you imagine our children doing that! Once again, huge admiration for Sandra and her 2 helpers who selflessly look after 26 under 5's, five days a week from 7 am to 5 pm for no pay. Now, how many of us would do that?!!
Serving the food
Enjoying the fruits of their labour
Raadiah giving out presents
Eli & Raadiah were brilliant giving out the presents
See 2007's party: Tiny Bubbles Christmas Party 2007
We don't seem to have blogged about last year's party.
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