Michael has been a legend and we couldn't have done half of what we have without him! He's coming again tomorrow morning when we'll move our beds and the last few bits. Then on Friday & Saturday we'll clean our old house before handing it back.
Please pray that our landlady will be reasonable. We've got on well until now but she's already expressed some frustration at the state of the house. We feel it's mostly reasonable wear & tear after 3½ years with 2 small boys running riot but she feels that the house was a 'show home' when we moved in. We've made some small improvements and kept the garden brilliantly.
Telkom say they are going to sort out our ADSL line tomorrow so we'll be incommunicado for 24 hours whilst that is sorted.
So many prayers and blessings for you and for this move. Prayers for the landlady too... I pray for peace and a way made smooth for all.