New Smoking Laws

South Africa is very progressive in many areas and its anti-smoking policies have been at the fore of the action much to our delight, so we were pleased to learn that as of the 1st of October the anti-smoking laws took a new tougher stance.

Here's a summary of the New Smoking law which came into force on 1 October 2009

It is now illegal for adults to smoke in a car where there is a child under 12 years of age.

Fines up to a maximum of R50,000 will be handed to owners of a restaurant, pub, bar or workplace who breach the smoking laws and R500 for the individual smoker.

Smoking is now illegal in “partially enclosed” public places such as covered patios, verandas, balconies, walkways and parking areas.

Smoking is not permitted on premises, including private homes, used for commercial childcare activities, or for schooling or tutoring.

The tobacco industry is no longer permitted to hold “parties” or use “viral” marketing to target young people.

The sale of tobacco products to and by people under 18 years is prohibited, as is the sale of confectionery or toys resembling tobacco products.

At last we can sit outside a restaurant and not have to share someone else's cigarette. Fantastic!

1 comment:

  1. That is great to hear about. I have always said that smoking outside should be banned! When I was younger and a tad more fit, I used to run. Just as I would race by someone walking while they smoked, they would exhale... Blech!

    That said, I once had the awful habit myself, when even younger and somehow less fit at that time.

    As an aside, an older lady came by my office at church the other day and sat down to conduct some business. She is lovely but a very heavy smoker. She reeked of tobacco and even after she left, we were left with the smell for some time. It made me feel very sad for many reasons.


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