Amazing Weeks

Ever since we responded to a specific prophetic word given to the church 3 weeks ago it seems that God is really blessing us with a fresh anointing in ways that we haven't seen for years. It really is so exciting to see God at work.

Here is Paula's testimony of the last 3 weeks... Since my incredible encounter with God that Sunday morning God is giving me a new boldness and I am seeing breakthroughs. During the HIV course our trainer was unable to speak one morning (a bit of a blow for us all!). I decided to ask if I could pray for her. She readily accepted and I prayed in front of the whole class. Immediately, God restored her voice and she continued as if nothing had been wrong - wow! As a result of seeing this, one of the delegates approached me at break time and asked me to pray for a very specific medical condition she had. As I prayed with another of the ladies from church we sensed a heat building up from our hands into her body. She felt as if the area that had grown hot was 'unplugged' and we are now waiting on God for her total miraculous healing - thank you Lord!

The following week in our cell group God allowed me the privilege of praying for healing again and once again I experienced the searing heat from my hands, which the lady I was praying for also felt. We are both believing for more miracles! The next day myself, and two others from Grace church who have been meeting together to pray, received our first invitation to visit the sick in the community. When we entered the first house it was obvious that this was the house of people living on drugs. There was a real heaviness and darkness in the air. We went through to pray with a young woman suffering from a lung infection and once again experienced God moving in a very powerful way. When we left the house there was a tangible sense of light and peace and we are praying for that family to experience salvation. We then moved on to another home to visit a lady who was convinced that her house was possessed. She was experiencing tremendous physical symptoms as a result and she was obviously paralysed by fear. To cut a long story short, we offered to pray with her and within 20 minutes the woman was delivered from her fear (and we believe the symptoms), we led her to Christ and she was baptised in the Holy Spirit. I wish you could have seen the physical transformation that such inner transformation leads to. She was literally glowing and the three of us were also beaming from ear to ear!!! We stayed for a cup of tea and have promised to follow up on her and take her through what it means to be a Christian, as well as inviting her to church of course. God is amazing!

The very next day was my usual visiting day with HOPE in Chris Nissen and I was really looking forward to it by this stage!! I now take Elise, one of my new friends from Macassar, with me each week as she is longing to be trained up as a carer. She is such an encouragement to the ladies too. We prayed for all of the patients with new boldness and were particularly thrilled to pray with one lady who has been very sick in the last stages of AIDS. She is currently remarkably healthy, which is what the ARV's can do for you, and we were able to have a very good chat with her about faith and hope and knowing where your hope lies. She is a Christian and is really believing God to totally heal her. That morning we were so privileged to ask all of our patients if they really knew the Lord and, as a result, to help to lead three of them to Christ!!

We know that these types of weeks don't happen very often but we are also learning that there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking God to use us and equip us and anoint us to do His work here on earth. It also involves us having courage and stepping out into the unknown at times. It is a really humbling thing to be involved and used by our Father in this way and we are so thrilled to see words that God has given us (some are years old!) coming to fulfillment in front of our eyes. We just pray, "More please Lord!"


  1. I am awestruck from what I read here, what great gifts from God. It is beautiful to know that you are being used in this way to bring Christ in the world to others.

    This is truly beautiful. Thank you for sharing this testimony.

  2. WOW, I had goose bumps reading all that -God is good!! As you say "more please, Lord!". Amen!


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