He was absolutely thrilled with his presents. He loved the surprises and was so pleased to get a couple of things that he has been asking about for months and months!!
He was quite impressed that Grandad managed to organise such a huge box all the way from England(!) and LOVED the cool Pirates of the Caribbean clothing all the way from Euro Disney from his aunty and uncle! The book on Why Is Snot Green? is also really going to liven up bedtime story reading!!
Mum stayed behind at school to listen to Joel being sung to by the Junior School in the line before being whisked off to the classroom for another lovely morning! Much fun was had by he and Dad as Dad had the daunting task of assembling the Flying Dutchman toy which has now been lined up for battle with Grandad's Christmas present Black Pearl!!
It's funny to watch just how much Joel has grown up recently. He has handled himself and all the attention so well today and then left us in no doubt at all about where he wanted to go out for his tea - Ocean Basket for the prawn special of course!! As we couldn't haul Grandad in for the event he was more than delighted at the thought of our good friend Jo (with the blue car) coming with us and we all had a lovely evening. Even the waiter said we had been fun to work with, which was just as well considering Eli managed to spill his mango juice within 5 minutes all over the table!!
So, we have reached another milestone, and whilst mum and dad sit around in disbelief Joel seems to grow taller and more adult every day.
Joel with his presents
Delighted with the water wheel from Grandad
Off to school in civvies courtesy of Lisa and family
Nice blog. Great pictures. You can tell the excitement on his face infront of all those presents.