Another fun family weekend slips past as the days warm up and the year counts itself down. That can only mean two things; Eli's birthday and Christmas are just around the corner. Somehow we can't believe that Eli is only turning 3. He's physically bigger than most of his peers but developmentally he's way ahead of most of them too. We often have to remind ourselves that he is actually only 2 (just) and shouldn't expect too much of him. However, Eli is more than capable of doing much of what Joel can and in some areas he shows Joel how to do stuff.

The new rope swing put up by Daddy is a classic example. Joel was really reluctant to try it until he saw Eli merrily abandon himself to the pleasures of swinging in a circle. The swing quickly became a huge hit with both boys (Dad also had a go, just to check it out).
Once again we had a great morning at church on Sunday. We are enjoying church a lot right now which is such a joy after the last few years of mediocrity. Dean preached on Sunday which he really enjoyed. The feedback has been positive so far (people are very kind) but Dean is looking forward to hearing some critical feedback from Daniel soon. Once again the boys really enjoyed their group which is a massive answer to prayer for us and a real joy too.
The weather has taken a real summery turn with the temperature being in the low thirties each day. Glory!
Right: An exhausted Eli. The build up to being three is wearing him out
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