Joel is still 'in heaven' aboard his Black Pearl pirate ship. It really is quite an amazing thing and we have to stop ourselves from having a bit of a play too! Paula took him to the mall today to buy his first proper school shoes -black lace up jobs!
It took exactly 3 minutes in the shop and all Joel could say was, "Yeah, they're OK - can we buy a packet of sweets now?". Thank goodness - we remember being a bit psychologically scarred from those gruesome days of buying school shoes!!! Nevertheless, we now have the more difficult job of (a) keeping them on his feet all morning - that will be a miracle and (b) teaching him to tie and untie his laces before 22 Jan! Not to be outdone by Joel, Eli needs new trainers AND sandals, so that's a job for another day and a second mortgage!
The weather has turned a bit grim since yesterday afternoon (shame for those on holiday here at present) so Paula had to change her plan to take the boys swimming at a friends house. Instead she took the boys to the municipal pool in Strand and they had a ball. It looks like we might be spending a bit more time there in the future as it has a proper children's pool as well as the adult one, so the boys can enjoy swimming whilst being able to touch the ground. The swimming lessons for both boys have definitely paid off.
Eli dressed himself to go riding in the rain
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